32 Lives is a 32bit to 64bit AudioUnits plugins adapter, and is compatible with virtually all 64bit AudioUnits host applications. In July 2013, Apple introduced Logic Pro X, the nextgeneration version of its professional audio. Uploadgig.com: Sound.Radix.32.Lives.v1.0.4.Mac.OSX.rar - 4.2 MB Uploaded.net: Sound.Radix.32.Lives.v1.0.4.Mac.OSX.rar Turbobit.net: Sound.Radix.32.Lives.v1.0.4.Mac. 32 Lives is a new application, capable of generating 64-bit Audio Units versions of your loved and hard-earned 32-bit legacy plug-ins, helping you to cross over to the new Logic Pro X smoothly and transparently. Older Logic 9 sessions will completely load into Logic Pro X, including all presets, parameters and automation. Continue reading “Review – Sound Radix “32 Lives”” For those that recently jumped into purchasing Apple’s latest version of Logic Pro X, there may have been a few nasty surprises with older 32-bit plug-ins not working.
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Software de conversión de bits
32 LIVES es un adaptador de plug-ins VST y unidades de audio transparente de 32 bits a 64 bits que le permite ejecutar sus plug-ins favoritos de solo...
· Versión de descarga
· Adaptador de plugins VST y Audio-Units de 32 bits a 64 bits
· Carga los plugins AU y VST de 32 bits 'legacy' en aplicaciones AU y VST de 64 bits
· Compatible con sesiones anteriores (carga todos los presets, parámetros y automatización)
· Baja latencia
· Los plugins en 'sandbox' evitan bloqueos del 'host' u otros plugins
· Compatible con Logic Pro X, Mainstage 3, Final Cut Pro X, Garageband X, Live 9, Digital Performer 8, Studio One 2, Audition CC, Tracktion 4, Triumph y Qlab
· Atención:Contiene sólo el convertidor de 32 bits a 64 bits, no se incluyen plugins
· Formatos soportados: VST2 / AU
Sound Radix 32 Lives Kickass -
Requisitos del sistema:
Sound Radix 32 Lives Kickass 2
· Mac OSX 10.6 - 10.14
· Conexión a Internet
· iLok License Manager