Hawkins Map Of Consciousness Pdf

  1. Dr Hawkins Scale Of Consciousness
  2. Map Of Human Consciousness
  3. Dr Hawkins Consciousness Scale

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Opheana & Sikaal will continue to update the Ascension Consciousness Scale, including the categories, as the base frequencies continue to raise. Ascension Consciousness Scale: View Online You can view the Ascension Consciousness Scale online or receive a free Ascension Consciousness Scale PDF when you subscribe to our mailing list. Hawkins explains his map of the scale of human consciousness. Accompanied with slides. 1/4 David Hawkins Map Of Consciousness DAVID HAWKINS MAP OF CONSCIOUSNESS PDF If you want to have a destination search and find the appropriate manuals for your products, you can visit this website providing you with many.

(Updated 01/12/2020)

The Map of Consciousness was put together by Dr David Hawkins. To learn more, take a look at his book entitled The Map of Consciousness Explained: A Proven Energy Scale to Actualize Your Ultimate Potential that was release in October 2020. This book gives you a comprehensive overview on what Map of Consciousness is about and how it came about.

“Over 250,000 muscle testing calibrations spanning 30 years of multiple research studies conducted by The Institute for Spiritual Research, Inc., Dr. Hawkins defined a range of values that correspond to levels of consciousness which include well-recognized attitudes and emotions. With a logarithmic scale of 1 to 1,000 and the Map of Consciousness® format that he developed, Dr. Hawkins explains the classification and characteristics of these energy fields to make them easily comprehensible and useful in daily life.

It is important to realize that the calibration figures do not represent an arithmetic but a logarithmic progression. Thus, the level 300 is not twice the amplitude of 150; it is 300 to the tenth power. An increase of even a few points therefore represents a major advance in power.

The ways the various levels of human consciousness express themselves are profound and far reaching. Levels below 200 are detrimental to life in both the individual and society at large; those above 200 are constructive expressions of power. The decisive level of 200 is the fulcrum that divides the general areas of force and power-Truth from falsehood.” – Veritaspub.com

Where would you (currently) place yourself on the Map of Consciousness? Add your answer in the form below.

Image borrowed from Pinterest.

Hitachi selectset 700 phone manual. When you really look into it, all dysfunctional psychological disorders such as neurosis and narcissism/low (unhealthy) self-esteem come from the lower level energy fields (below 200 as seen on the map.)

It is estimated that around 80% of the population (currently) function on these levels at varying degrees (for the most part), and interestingly many other mental health experts estimate that 80% of the population suffer from low (unhealthy) self-esteem (at varying degrees.)

Hawkins Map Of Consciousness Pdf

Another interesting correlation is that Deepak Chopra said that 90-odd percent of people’s thoughts are negative in general.

Why is it that such a high percentage of people function like this? You may find your answer here.

More articles from MakingYouAware.com

Ascension Consciousness Scale 0 – 1000
Opheana & Sikaal have been inspired to create and share their Ascension Consciousness Scale to assist Souls with their Spiritual Development and their Ascension Process. A clear guidance from their God Presences has lead to the scale and the categories found below.

The Ascension Consciousness Scale is not to compartmentalize or judge others or self in regards to where on the scale anyone may be. It is a supportive tool for self expansion, and a clear guidance tool for journeying through the very dense energy here on Earth. It is a confirmation of a deep intuitive knowing, so souls here no longer have to doubt themselves when and if they feel someone may be using a mask and confusing their choices due to their pure and at times naive heart.

Opheana & Sikaal’s deepest wish is that this tool may gift as many beings as possible with the courage to drop the veils that no longer serve them and hold them back from Ascending and truly being the powerful puzzle piece they came here to be. Opheana & Sikaal will continue to update the Ascension Consciousness Scale, including the categories, as the base frequencies continue to raise.

Ascension Consciousness Scale: View Online
You can view the Ascension Consciousness Scale online or receive a free Ascension Consciousness Scale PDF when you subscribe to our mailing list.

Samsung dex for mac. 0 – 250
• Highly dominated by 3rd Dimension (3D) / 3rd Density thinking, acting and being
• Lower mind / personality / ego is fully in control
• Greed, victim mentality, fight, struggle, domination, control, fear and blame energy is
• Primary focus is money, power, personal success, fame, sex, safety on all levels
• Only service-to-self oriented, all motivated for self and ego-based reality
• Physical, emotional and mental disease is common
• Low to no awareness or belief in Spirituality and Spirit; displayed knowledge is a mask
• Many energy vampires reside in this bandwidth

Dr Hawkins Scale Of Consciousness

250 – 450
• Still dominated by 3rd Dimension / 3rd Density thinking, acting and being, but less intensely so
• The lower mind is still fully in control, but there is an awareness of the higher mind
• A knowledge, an interest and a gentle awareness of Spirituality and Spirit start emerging
• A general understanding of the connection between thoughts, emotions and health is present
• The service-to-self and ego-based reality still dominates, yet service-to-others shows up
• Energy vampires start becoming aware of their behavior and emotional entanglements
• A drive for self-healing emerges and creates growth in consciousness

450 – 550
• 5th Dimension (5D) / 4th Density awareness through thinking, acting, being is ignited
• More awareness around creating freedom in life and options for this open up
• Deeper self-love and love of life are experienced, increasing one’s already high Love Quotient
• Love & Knowledge based Spirituality more so than embodied wisdom
• The drive for self-healing is intensified and creates a growth in consciousness
• Spirituality in life and connection with the Spirit Realms and Mother Gaia grows
• A level of Mastery or status in areas of life is attained, leading to identity attachment &
spiritual ego
• Divine Union, Masculine (Doing) & Feminine (Being) Energy balance, becomes of interest

550 – 600
• The 550 threshold is a strong barrier to break through called ‘The Guru Complex’
• To break through from 550 to 600, it takes a deep willingness & commitment to your Spirit,
while letting go of 3D attachments: money, reputation, success, identity to an extent
• Many or most spiritual teachers & even very humble people dedicated to spiritual practice get
stuck at 550, as a very deep level of trust and surrender is necessary for a true “breaking”
through to the 600 level
• A deeper interest in freedom in all areas of life becomes apparent, coming to a place in the
heart where the need for freedom from expectations of the external world is the only option
moving forward
• Physical, mental and emotional healing is a primary focus and becomes a must
• Spirituality in life and a connection with the Spirit Realms, Mother Gaia and nature grows
• A deeper level of Divine Union, Masculine & Feminine Energy Balance, becomes a focus
• Energetic Management (holding, managing and claiming their energetic space), including
clearing & protection, becomes a focus
• Higher Communication abilities open up more strongly, even if already present
• Death of certain attachments in 3D; new beginnings, a whole new world opens up at the 600
• If the Soul does not listen to the messages from their Presence there may be many challenges
to assist them to “break” free of the ego’s fears, including disease, financial struggle, upheaval
in relationships
• Many leaps of faith are necessary to trust the journey of letting go

600 – 700
• Freedom in all areas of life is a primary objective, including stepping away from 9-to-5 jobs
• Detachment from the money, success, sex and slavery of the 3D matrix is sought
• A more permanent split between 3rd Density (3D) and 4th Density (5D) is created through
clear choices, a deeper unplugging from 3D
• Choices to detach from certain family members and friends are made based on frequency
• Awareness of Pranic Nourishment and stronger interest in a vegetarian-vegan-raw food
• Holistic Natural Living, including living in nature, homeschooling children, eco-living
• A drive for simplification creates waves of decluttering and detachment in many areas of life,
including a clarification of true wants and needs for genuine fulfillment & joy
• A high level of Divine Union, Masculine & Feminine Energy balance, becomes a focus
• Higher level Energetic Management, including clearing & protection, becomes a focus
• Very high willingness to change and to learn new ways of being are necessary and vital to shift
through this consciousness bandwidth
• Higher Communication abilities open up more powerfully than already present
• The need to serve Humanity & the Earth deepens
• More Light Quotient (Universal Truth) grounds to balance with an already compassionate
heart, lessening martyrdom/self-sacrifice for others and maintaining clean energetic

700 – 900
• Reaching the 700 level is a gateway threshold for Ascension to 4th Density*
• A strongly 5th Dimension / 4th Density oriented life is created and lived everyday
• Pranic Nourishment becomes an option and a vegetarian-vegan lifestyle is the norm
• Choices to detach from family and friends based on frequency resonance to focus on the
Presence Path
• Holistic Natural Living, including living in natural eco settings, becomes the preferred option
• Deeper and more intense waves of decluttering and detachment, fears of lack & loss are
• Socializing becomes less frequent and only frequency resonant events are sought out
• Holistic Life is primarily Mission-based and service-to-others becomes most fulfilling & deeply
• A higher and higher level of Divine Union is achieved in one’s expressions and creations
• High level Energetic Management, including clearing & protection, is necessary
• Higher Communication abilities become more powerful and more of them open up
• Lucid states of Awareness and Consciousness as Time & Space and Space & Time start
overlapping; including experiencing multiple timelines, timeline & future potentialities and
feeling through the illusions of the Earth ‘bubble’ projections and reality
• The Initiation necessary to complete in this phase is trusting Light (Truth) & having a deep faith
that they are fully supported with all their True Needs met, no matter how it appears
• Choices are made with full commitment to serve, listening to the Guidance from their
• A Soul/Spirit-Infused Personality (ego), working together in harmony, surrender, trust and faith
• High levels of mental, emotional and physical health
• Synchronicity, harmony, joy, peace, grace and bliss are experienced deeply and often

900 – 1000
• Alignment with Highest Potential Timeline as guided by Spirit, a deep excitement for life
• Many deep Blessings are experienced on a daily basis, including natural manifestation
• Living an Enightened and Ascended Life fully guided and embodied by Spirit/God Presence
• Full Pranic Nourishment becomes an option, with the remembering that all can be received
from Spirit and via Cosmic Energy
• Deep, full continual connection to Spirit and bringing one’s Mission into manifestation
• Life is lead simply in Service, with all True Needs always being met
• Socializing becomes less frequent and time is spent with frequency resonant Souls; the
primary focus is embodying Presence in service as it brings the highest joy and fulfillment
• Life is Mission-based and is all about being the vessel for Spirit-guided creations
• Divine Union is the natural state of being within Self and within relationship
• Mastery of the state of BEing, embracing the powerful Feminine Presence
• Mastery level Energetic Management, including clearing & protection, is key
• Higher Communication abilities, powerfully anchored in this realm and ever-expanding
• Leaders and Teachers of the New 4th Density Earth

To assess your own Ascension Consciousness level you can arrange for an Ascension Consciousness Reading with Opheana & Sikaal (PDF via email).

*Remembering that nobody knows what may or may not occur in regards to the exact timing of Ascension and what Ascension scenarios may or may not play out, the Guidance and testing is strong that the 700 level on the Ascension Consciousness Scale is a significant milestone in the Ascension Process and the primary threshold gateway to 4th Density Ascension/Graduation. Opheana & Sikaal feel it is not relevant to become attached to this number, rather to see it as a guideline for the Soul’s Ascension Process.

Receive powerful Guidance for your Ascension Process. You will receive where you are on the Ascension Consciousness Scale, what your willingness to align to your Spirit is, who is on your Ascension Council, who your multidimensional connections are, your Love & Light Quotients, your Masculine & Feminine Energy balance and so much more.

Map Of Human Consciousness

Price: US$144.00
Reading Combo ~ Ascension Consciousness Reading: Receive powerful Guidance for your Ascension Process. You will receive where you are on the Ascension Consciousness Scale, what your willingness to align to your Spirit is, who is on your Ascension Council, who your multidimensional connections are, your Love & Light Quotients, your Masculine & Feminine Energy balance and so much more. ~ Energy Body Reading: Receive deep Guidance to rapidly expand your Energy Bodies. You will receive the Clarity of your Energy Bodies, your 3 Primary Chakras to focus on, your main Invasive Energetics, your Empath & Telepath Level, how Personality Driven you are, your Pineal Gland & 12 Strand DNA Activation percentage, how Grounded you are and so much more.
Price: US$277.00

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Dr Hawkins Consciousness Scale