CademPVD is the most intelligent CADEM software for the mechanical design of pressure vessels, storage tanks, heat exchangers, reactors, agitators, mixing vessels. It is an integrated software which covers various national & international design codes.
- Pressure Vessels module covering complete design of Receivers and General Equipment.
- Pressurised Equipment with arrangement for Cooling / Heating.
- Pressurised Equipment with arrangement for Mixing / Agitation.
- Pressurised Equipment with arrangement for Mixing / Agitation along with jacketing for Cooling / Heating.
- Tall process columns like Distillation Still, Scrubbers etc.
- Shell and Tube type Heat Exchangers.
- Design of Agitator Shafts for Mixing Tanks and Reactors.
- Large API Storage Tanks covering Atmospheric and Pressurized Tanks.
- MS Self supported Chimney Stacks.
- Design of Pressure Vessels, Jacketed Vessels, Mixing Tanks and Reactors as per ASME Sec. VIII Div. 1, EN 13445, IS 2825 Codes.
- Design of Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers as per ASME Sec. VIII, Div 1 and TEMA Codes.
- Design of Columns as per ASME Sec. VIII Div. 1 and Wind & Seismic analysis as per H.H. Bednar and other references.
- Design of Agitator Shaft as per EEUA.
- Atmospheric Storage Tank design as per API 650.
- Low Pressure Storage Tank design as per API 620.
- Design & Sizing of Floating Roofs (Pontoon & DDFR) for API Storage Tanks.
- Chimney design as per IS 6533 Code.
Charges for Design and Drawing of Agitator: US$ 60 OR 4,000. Charges for Drawing of Agitator: US$ 30 OR 1,800. Program of Drawing of Agitator is for sale: Original Price US$ 350 OR 20,000. Special Price: US$ 175 OR 10,000. As soon as I get the money, I will send Drawing by Email. CademPVD - The Pressure Vessel Design Software. CademPVD is the most intelligent CADEM software for the mechanical design of pressure vessels, storage tanks, heat exchangers, reactors, agitators, mixing vessels. It is an integrated software which covers various national & international design codes.
Download Agitator Design Pro and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This App Used for Agitator Design Calculations or Mixer Design Calculations. In this App Agitator Power Requirement Calculations for all types of Blades of Agitation, Agitator Shaft Diameter Calculation, Agitator Shaft Design Checking for Critical Speed. Agitator Design Software Download. 10/4/2019 I like Latexman's suggestions. Unless your electricity is free and your performance is not important, the performance. APS Agitator Design Typical Competitor’s Design Typical Competitor’s Design Posts are wrapped around the solid agitator shaft Path for Contamination (broken weld / crack) Competitor’s Hollow Shaft Design: The perfect place for bacterial growth! ^ Design Advantages:. Unique agitator design provides superior strength over the competition.
- All components of Pressure Vessels, Heat Exchangers and Reaction Vessels under both internal & external pressure.
- Agitator Shafts directly supported by gear box bearings or with intermediate bearing housing; with or without bottom bush support.
- All components of Columns & Chimneys under wind, seismic, deflection conditions, including their base plate and anchor bolt sizing.
- Built-in material properties database.
- Database of wind and seismic codes & information.
- Unmatched quality of design documentation with all relevant code clauses, formulae, formulae substitutions and intermediate results.
34 Years of equipment design experience captured, polished, compacted and is now ready for transfer to designers, fabricators & plant engineers. read more >>
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Our SERVICES team has expertise and experience in mechanical design & engineering of various kinds of process plants equipment and piping systems.
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Visit us at - MAHATech 2018 Exhibition
Date: 8th - 11th February, 2018
Agitator Design Software Download Windows 10
Stall No - A-54
Agitator Design Software Downloads
Venue: New Agricultural College Ground, Shivaji Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra.