


SciDAVis an open-source program for graphing and analyzing numeric data. It has ca-pabilities similar to a number of commercial programs, such as Kaleidagraph, SigmaPlot, Origin and IgorPro. The design of SciDAVis is similar to that of Origin, and SciDAVis can import at least some Origin les.

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It is ridiculous to give a developer - especially on who has moved their application over to the Mac, at their own expense, for FREE - a 1-star review because they didn't make installation automatic. Perhaps a point off for this is perhaps reasonable, but come on . . . ! Let me the first to apologize for SOME Mac users, who apparently think that developers should all work for free. I seriously doubt that this user is a seasoned professional. Some of us do truly appreciate all those who attempt to port for Mac. It is certainly nice to have self-installing .DMGs, and nice Mac-like icons, but too much emphasis is placed on this when reviews in MU should focus on all the technical issues, and to vote according to balanced criteria. When an application is truly a free app, as this appears to be, then reviews should also take this into consideration. I would give this 4-stars for effort, but have not yet installed it, because I am a typical lazy Mac user and am used to auto-install features. But, at least I am willing to admit my biases. : ) Thanks for the port. Will examine this more closely asap. CIAO

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  • SciDAVis は主に質の高い科学的データのプロットを目指したユーザーフレンドリーなデータ解析と可視化プログラムです。それは Python スクリプトなどの強力な機能と直感的な使いやすいグラフィカル ユーザー インターフェイスを結合するよう努めています。.
  • Jul 08, 2010 SciDAVis is a interactive application aimed at data analysis and publication-quality plotting. It combines a shallow learning curve and an intuitive, easy-to-use graphical user interface with powerful features such as scriptability and extensibility.