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PhishBait allows companies to automate fake phishing campaigns and report on user click trends by any user data point. The application will automatically send out a fake phishing email to users selected on a phishing campaign from a “fake” email account. Instagram Hack easiest way to create Instagram phishing page how to hack Instagram account? If you want to know the password of anybody's Instagram id, friends today in this post, we will know how to hack an Instagram account - what is the way to hack an ID?
The last few months have seen a big increase in malware attacks using PDF email attachments, according to security firm SonicWall. There’s nothing new in this, of course, but many recent attacks have relied on getting users to click links in emails leading to infected webpages instead of requiring them to open an attachment, as was traditional.
Over the course of 2018, SonicWall detected 47,000 new attack variants using PDFs, while they observed more than 73,000 of these variants last month alone. 67,000 of these PDFs linked to scammers, while 5,500 contained links to malware downloads.
In many cases, targeted PDFs use zero-day exploits for browsers in order to increase the probability of a successful attack as on-the-ball businesses now patch their systems more quickly to protect against known exploits. Other attacks have been known to nick login details by tricking the user into opening malicious PDFs that use remote document loading mechanisms to capture and leak your credentials.
Most of the attacks observed by SonicWall simply used PDFs to smuggle malicious links through email security filters. Many security filters struggle to analyse content inside PDFs, so an attacker stands a better chance of getting through to their victim if they place the link in one of these files. SonicWall CEO Bill Conner said that PDFs are increasingly becoming a “vehicle of choice for malware and fraud in the cyber landscape,” alongside emails and Office documents.
SonicWall’s report naturally pushes its own security solutions for the issue, but that’s a notable uptick in PDF attacks, nonetheless. The firm, which was bought by Dell in 2012 and then spun out four years later, sells hardware, software and cloud-based security products to small and medium firms and government agencies.
SonicWall notes that PDFs are generally thought of as a safe file type, so users often don’t hesitate to open them. Given the pervasiveness of PDFs within corporate and government environments, employees need to know how to avoid these attacks. New-school security awareness training can give your employees a thorough, up-to-date education about the threats they face.
What is the simple email recon tool? This tool was based off the work of theHarvester and kind of a port of the functionality. This was just an expansion of what was used to build theHarvester and will incorporate his work but allow users to easily build Modules for the Framework. Which I felt was desperately needed after building my first module for theHarvester.
- @laramies – Developer of theHarvester tool https://github.com/laramies/theHarvester
- @CptJesus – Helped dev framework
Work Conducted by:
- Alexander Rymdeko-Harvey [Twitter] @Killswitch-GUI
- Keelyn Roberts [Twitter] @real_slacker007
Scrape EVERYTHING – Simply
Current Platforms Supported:
- Kali Linux 2.0
- Kali Linux 1.0
- Debian (deb8u3)
A few small benefits:
- Easy for you to write modules (All you need is 1 required Class option and you’re up and running)
- Use the built in Parsers for rawest results
- Multiprocessing Queue for modules and Result Queue for easy handling of Email data
- Simple integration of theHarvester Modules and new ones to come
- Also the ability to change major settings fast without diving into the code
API Based Searches:
- When API based searches become available, no need to add them to the Command line
- API keys will be auto pulled from the SimpleEmail.ini, this will activate the module for use
Get Started on Deb
Please RUN the simple Setup Bash script!
Get Started in Kali
Please RUN the simple Setup Bash script! NOTE: At the moment the up-streeam debian python-futures contain bugs within configparser / python-magic. This has been reported to KALI and debiab. configparser bug in apt-get python-futures: https://bugs.kali.org/view.php?id=3245 SimplyEmail bug reported: https://github.com/killswitch-GUI/SimplyEmail/issues/11
Get Started on Mac OSX (At own risk)
Standard Help
Run SimplyEmail
Let’s say your target is cybersyndicates.com
This will run ALL modules that are have API Key placed in the SimpleEmail.ini file and will run all non-API based modules.
List Modules SimpleEmail
API Modules and Searches
API based searches can be painful and hard to configure. The main aspect of SimplyEmail is to easily integrate these aspects, while not compromising the ease of using this tool. Using the configuration file, you can simply add your corresponding API key and get up and running. Modules are automatically identified as API based searches, checks if the corresponding keys are present and if the keys are present it will run the module.
Canar.io API Search
Canario is a service that allows you to search for potentially leaked data that has been exposed on the Internet. Passwords, e-mail addresses, hostnames, and other data have been indexed to allow for easy searching.
Simply Register for a key here: [canar.io] (https://canar.io/register/) or https://canar.io/register/ Place the key in the SimplyEmail.ini at [APIKeys] section, the module will now initiate when the –all flag is user of the -t.
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Name Generation
Some times SimplyEmail will only find the standard email addresses or just a few emails. In this case email creation may be your saving grace. Using name generation can allow you not only scrape names from diffrent sites but allow you to auto detect the format to some accuracy.
LinkedIn Name Generation
Using Bing and work from PhishBait I was able to implement LinkedIn name lookups from the company name.
Connect6.com Name Generation
Connect6 is also a great source for names, and also a bit flaky to find the source. Using a AutoUrl function I built I do attempt to find the correct URL for you. If not I provide you with a few more to pick from.
Verifying Emails via target SMTP server:
More often than not you will have at least a few invalid emails gathered from recon. SimplyEmail now supports the ability to verify and check if the email is valid.
- Looks up MX records
- Sorts based on priority
- Checks if SMTP server will respond other than 250
- If the server is suitable, checks for 250 codes
- Outputs a (.txt) file with verified emails.
Understanding Reporting Options:
One of the most frustrating aspects of Pen-testing is the tools’ ability to report the findings and make those easily readable. This may be for the data provided to a customer or just the ability to report on source of the data.
So I’m making it my goal for my tools to take that work off your back and make it as simple as possible! Let’s cover the two different reports generated.
Text Output:
With this option results are generated and appended to a running text file called Email_List.txt. this makes it easy to find past searches or export to tool of choice. Example:
JSON Output
using the --json test.txt
flag will alow you to output standard JSON text file for automation needs. This can be currently used with the email scraping portion only, maybe name generation and email verification to come. These helpers will be soon in the SQL DB and API for more streamline automation. Example output:
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HTML Output:
As I mentioned before a powerful function that I wanted to integrate was the ability to produce a visually appealing and rich report for the user and potentially something that could be part of data provided to a client. Please let me know with suggestions!
Email Source:
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![Alt text](/bootstrap-3.3.5/Screen Shot 2015-11-11 at 5.27.15 PM.png?raw=true “Report”)
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Email Section:
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- Html report now shows Alerts for Canary Search Results! ![Alt text](/bootstrap-3.3.5/Screen Shot 2015-11-11 at 5.27.31 PM.png?raw=true “Report Html”)
##Current Email Evasion Techniques
- The following will be built into the Parser Soon:
- shinichiro.hamaji at gmail.com
- shinichiro.hamaji AT gmail.com
- simohayha.bobo at gmail.com
- “jeffreytgilbert” => “gmail.com”
- felix021 # gmail.com
- hirokidaichi[at]gmail.com
- hirokidaichi[@]gmail.com
- hirokidaichi[#]gmail.com
- xaicron{ at }gmail.com
- xaicron{at}gmail.com
- xaicron{@}gmail.com
- xaicron(@)gmail.com
- xaicron + gmail.com
- xaicron ++ gmail.com
- xaicron ## gmail.com
- bekt17[@]gmail.com
- billy3321 -AT- gmail.com
- billy3321[AT]gmail.com
- ybenjo.repose [[[at]]] gmail.com
- sudhindra.r.rao (at) gmail.com
- sudhindra.r.rao nospam gmail.com
- shinichiro.hamaji (.) gmail.com
- shinichiro.hamaji–at–gmail.com
DOWNLOAD SimplyEmail